1957 Chicago Cubs Wrigley Field Team Schedule and Manager Profile

The 1957 Chicago Cubs Wrigley Field team schedule Page from the Baseball Facts Book outlines key details regarding the team's management, game timings, and broadcasting. Bob Scheffing is noted as the team manager, overseeing the Cubs playing at Wrigley Field, which has a seating capacity of 36,755. The dimensions of the field are designated as left field at 355 feet, center field at 400 feet, and right field at 353 feet. Game times are specified, with single games commencing at 1:30 PM and doubleheaders starting at 1:00 PM, explicitly stating that there are no night games scheduled. Coaching staff includes Ray Mueller, George Myatt, and Fred Fitzsimmons. For broadcasting, games are covered on radio by WIND with Jack Quinlan as the announcer, while WGN handles television, featuring commentators Jack Brickhouse and Harry Creighton.