1956 Cincinnati Reds Vintage Roster and Crosley Field Game Schedule

The 1956 Cincinnati Reds Team page from the Baseball Fact Book presents the team's roster, coaching staff, and home game schedule. The manager listed is Birdie Tebbetts, with Frank McCormick, Tom Ferrick, and Jimmie Dykes serving as coaches. The roster details the players by position, including pitchers like Tom Acker and Bill Kennedy, and key hitters such as Bert Kluzezewski and Wally Post. The Reds' performance statistics from 1955 highlight top players in categories like batting average and runs batted in (RBI), showcasing Kluzezewski's notable achievements. Crosley Field, with a capacity of 29,584 and located at Findlay and Western, is the team’s home stadium. The publication outlines the home game schedule against various teams, including the Chicago Cubs and Brooklyn Dodgers.