1946 Diagram of Braves Field in Boston, Seating 41,000

This page from the 1946 Official Baseball sports publication features a detailed diagram of Braves Field in Boston. It provides a comprehensive layout of the ballpark, including the dimensions of the playing field and seating arrangements. The field is marked with key measurements such as 360 feet to left center, 440 feet to center field, and 375 feet to right center, indicating the expansive outfield dimensions typical of the era. The seating capacity is noted as 41,000, reflecting the substantial audience the venue could accommodate. Key areas around the park are labeled, such as the Grandstand and Bleachers, with additional structures like the Third Base Pavilion and First Base Pavilion identified. Surrounding streets, including Babcock Street, Commonwealth Avenue, and Gaffney Street, are indicated, helping to locate the field within the city.