1945 American League Executives: Fonseca, McEvoy, Hilligan
This page from the 1946 Official Baseball sports publication highlights key figures associated with the American League's administrative and media activities. Lew Fonseca is featured as the Motion Picture Director, playing a central role in capturing and promoting baseball through film, an innovative medium for the era. L.C. McEvoy is identified as the Director of Broadcasting, reflecting the growing importance of radio as a platform for reaching baseball audiences nationwide. This role is critical as it signifies a shift in how the sport is consumed, allowing fans to experience games beyond the ballpark. Earl J. Hilligan serves as the Manager of the Service Bureau, likely overseeing operations and logistics necessary for the league's functioning. Their positions illustrate a period of transformation within baseball, as the league expanded its use of media and organizational structures to maintain its presence and audience engagement in post-war America.