1947-48 Baltimore Bullets Team Stats and Player Information

The page from the 1969 Official NBA Guide provides a detailed overview of the 1947-48 NBA season, highlighting the Baltimore Bullets, who were the champions of that season. The Bullets' roster is shown, featuring key players such as Connie Simmons, Clarence Hermsen, Grady Lewis, Carl Meinhold, Paul Hoffman, Dick Schulz, Herman Feutsch, Chick Reiser, and Herman Klotz, with Buddy Jeannette serving as player-coach. Additionally, the publication includes the final standings of the Eastern and Western Divisions, showcasing teams like Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and Providence in the Eastern Division, alongside St. Louis, Chicago, and Washington in the Western Division. The statistics include wins and losses, field goal attempts and percentages, free throw statistics, assists, points per game, and opposition averages.