1980 Philadelphia Phillies Team Photo: Vintage World Champions Snapshot

The page features the 1980 Philadelphia Phillies team, commemorating their achievement as World Champions. This photograph, published in the 1981 National League Green Book, includes team members, coaches, and staff. The team is shown in matching red shirts emblazoned with the 'Phillies' logo. Seated on the ground are John Bush, Gary Watts, Mark Anderson, and Pete Cera, alongside other players and team staff. Key members of the coaching staff are identified, including Manager Dallas Green, Coaches Lee Elia and Bobby Wine, along with various assistants such as Jeff Cooper and Billy DeMars. Notable players in the image include Tug McGraw, Manny Trillo, Mike Schmidt, and Greg Luzinski. The team achieved significant success in the National League, culminating in a World Series championship that year, an important milestone in Philadelphia sports history.