1946 World Series Summary: Cardinals and Dodgers Playoff Drama

The 1946 World Series Summary details a fiercely competitive season in Major League Baseball, characterized by a heated two-team race between the St. Louis Cardinals and the Brooklyn Dodgers. The Cardinals, expected to excel, faced challenges as key players like Max Lanier, Fred Martin, and Lou Klein missed portions of the season due to military service or other issues. Manager Eddie Dyer relied on established players and investments in young talent, including players like Dick Sisler, to fill in gaps. The Dodgers, managed by Leo Durocher, were considered a second-division club, yet they posed significant competition as the season progressed. As the regular season drew to a close, both teams held a solid grip on the top positions, yet a playoff was required after St. Louis and Brooklyn finished with identical records of 96 wins and 58 losses.