1967 Baltimore Colts Player Depth Chart: NFL Football Lineup Details

1967 Colts·Alvin Haymond·Andy Stynchula·Billy Ray Smith·Bobby Boyd·Bubba Smith·Charlie Stukes·David Lee·Dennis Gaubatz·Dick Szymanski·Don Alley·Don Shinnick·Fred Miller·Harry Hulmes·Jerry Hill·Jerry Logan·Jim Ward·Jim Welch·Jimmy Orr·John Mackey·Johnny Unitas·Lenny Lyles·Lenny Moore·Lou Michaels·Mike Curtis·Norman Davis·Ordell Braase·Ray Perkins·Raymond Berry·Rick Volk·Ron Porter·Roy Hilton·Tom Matte·Tony Lorick·Willie Richardson·
The 1967 Baltimore Colts Player Depth Chart details the team’s roster and positions for defense and offense during that NFL season. Key players include RHB Harold Wade and RS Haymond Stukes on defense, while notable linebackers are Shinnick and Brown. The defensive line features Lurtsema and Bubba Smith. On the offensive side, the QB position is held by Johnny Unitas, a prominent figure in Colts history. The chart identifies the players filling various roles, such as Lee as punter and place kicker, and includes transition notes, marking rookies with an asterisk. Other positions include wide receivers and linemen, with a focus on team structure and tactical depth.