1967 NFL Home Uniforms: Team Colors and Designs Overview

The page from the 1967 NFL First Official Illustrated Digest details the home uniforms of NFL teams, categorized by divisions. In the Century Division, it showcases the Cleveland Browns (number 43) and the New York Giants (number 46). The Eastern Conference features the Pittsburgh Steelers (number 37) and the St. Louis Cardinals (number 56). The Capitol Division includes the Dallas Cowboys (number 21) and the New Orleans Saints (number 81), alongside the Philadelphia Eagles (number 18) and Washington Redskins (number 80). The Coastal Division is represented by the Atlanta Falcons (number 48) and the Baltimore Colts (number 65). The Western Conference includes the Los Angeles Rams (number 32) and the San Francisco 49ers (number 47). Finally, the Central Division displays the Chicago Bears (number 77), Detroit Lions (number 20), Green Bay Packers (number 53), and Minnesota Vikings (number 89).