1967 Washington Redskins NFL Play Chart with Passing Strategies

The page from the 1967 First Official Illustrated Digest of the NFL features play diagrams related to the Washington Redskins' offensive strategies. Four distinct plays are highlighted, each labeled with letters (A through D) and specific tactical instructions. Play A, titled "Hitch Pass to Taylor," involves player formations with specific routes for the H-back and receiver, highlighting a quick pass completion. In Play B, "Delay Slant," the diagram illustrates a player executing a slant route, utilizing deceptive movement to gain separation. Play C, "Fullback Draw," details a running play where the fullback is designed to exploit defensive overcommitment, with various other players blocking for him. Finally, Play D, "Play-Action Pass," demonstrates a conventional play-action technique aiming to mislead defenders while setting up a deep pass.