1967 New Orleans Saints Play Chart: Passing Strategies Explained

The page features four distinct passing plays from the 1967 New Orleans Saints, highlighting the team's offensive strategy. Each play diagram outlines the movements of various players, denoted by letters, with particular attention on the quarterback's actions. The first play, labeled "A," illustrates a roll-out pass executed by quarterback Wood, involving strategic routes by other players. The second diagram, "B," depicts a halfback circle pass, showcasing the team's focus on utilizing their running back effectively. Play "C" shows Wood performing a quarterback bootleg, emphasizing agility and deception to evade defenders. Finally, play "D," labeled as a Cuozzo drop-back pass, details a traditional passing setup, with the quarterback dropping back for a throw. These diagrams reflect the tactical mindset of the Saints during an era characterized by evolving offensive strategies in the NFL, with a focus on versatile quarterback skills and dynamic play designs.