1967 New Orleans Saints Key Roster Players and NFL Football Summary

The page highlights key players from the 1967 New Orleans Saints roster, detailing their backgrounds and contributions to the team. Walter Roberts, a 5'10", 163-pound flanker, was signed as a free agent in 1964 after his college career at San Jose State and became known for his skills in punt and kick-off returns. Larry Stephens, a 6'3", 250-pound defensive end, demonstrated versatility playing both defensive end and tackle after being drafted by the Cleveland Browns in 1960. Jim Taylor, a notable 6'0", 215-pound fullback, was recognized for his powerful running style and ranks among the top in NFL rushing history. John Vandersea, a 6'3", 235-pound linebacker, transitioned from fullback to linebacker and played a significant role in the Packers’ Super Bowl team. Additionally, Dave Whitsell, a 6'1", 190-pound defensive back, had a career with multiple teams, emphasizing his interception prowess.