1950s Print Ad Featuring Albert B. Chandler, MLB Commissioner

The page features Albert B. Chandler, the MLB Commissioner at the time, providing a structured overview of the Government of Organized Professional Baseball. It lists the office details located in Carew Tower, Cincinnati, Ohio, alongside contact information. Chandler serves as both Commissioner and Chairman of the Executive Council, which includes significant figures such as Walter W. Mulbry (Secretary-Treasurer), William Harridge, Ford C. Frick, Frank E. McKinney, and Wm. O. DeWitt. The page highlights player management relations representatives, including Fred Hutchinson from Detroit (American League) and Martin from St. Louis (National League). It specifies the representation structure for Major-Minor League matters, recognizing various league presidents, such as George M. Trautman of the National Association and Frank J. Shaughnessy of the International League.