1854 NYK Season
No Champion Declared
League Note
Historical records of game results and player statistics are missing or incomplete.
The Knickerbockers adopt some rule changes agreed in conference by their delegates with those of the Gothams and Eagles.
The Eagles win their first two matches, with the Knickerbockers in mid-November, 21–4 and 22–21. The latter is the first time one team scores 21 but loses in "equal innings".
The New York Game rules now specify the distance from the pitcher’s point to home base as “not less than fifteen yards.”
The Excelsior Club is organized “to improve, foster, and perpetuate the American game of Base Ball, and advance morally, socially and physically the interests of its members.” Its written constitution, Seymour notes, is very similar in wording to the Knickerbocker constitution.
League Note
Historical records of game results and player statistics are missing or incomplete.
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